Solve facial problems without waiting for them to occur first.
One of the rising stars of the colorful channel who is currently popular and is considered another actor with many roles to watch, who in addition to having many dramas about to air, also has many photoshoots and appearances. So when he feels that his face is starting to change, looks in the mirror and his face is not the same, he must immediately consult a doctor. Because at this point, he cannot let his handsomeness decrease even a little bit, because he is so hot and trending.
I have a lot of wrinkles around my eyes. And when I smile, it’s very obvious that I have crow’s feet below. When I raise my eyebrows or forehead, you can see that my right eye droops more than my left. I also have a fairly large jaw.

Triangular Face Lift solves the problem of wrinkles around the eyes (Mr. Noh Thanakorn Sribanjong)
Doctor Noom, the doctor who regularly takes care of my face and is the only one who can solve my problem the best, said that my crow’s feet problem is not just at the corners of my eyes. When I look closely, I also have crow’s feet at the bottom of my eyes, which are caused by muscles contracting to the bottom of my eyes. This problem can be solved by injecting Toxin, but it must use Doctor Noom’s special technique only because if the injection is not done well and the doctor is not skilled, it will make you unable to smile at all or you may smile awkwardly.
As for my uneven eyes, that’s because the muscles on my face, around my forehead, are not lifted equally due to my unconscious facial behavior, which causes me to lift the muscles so that my left and right eyes are lifted equally. By correcting this, my face will be more balanced.
In addition, my jaw problem, the doctor said it was very strange that I had a jaw that was as high as the middle of my face, which normally only reaches the lower part of my face. Therefore, Toxin had to be injected to break this part down as well. However, the doctor said that if the doctor is not an expert, Toxin cannot be injected in the upper part of the face. However, because the doctor has a special technique that allows him to inject, it must be injected by Dr. Noom or the doctor at Rassapoom Clinic only.

Triangular Face Lift solves the problem of wrinkles around the eyes (Mr. Noh Thanakorn Sribanjong)
I think that’s all, but it’s not all. My problem is that I still need to use a filler program to help lift my face because my face frame is not sharp and my face is drooping. Since my face has started to sink, I have to start lifting my face. I wonder why I’m not that old yet. But when I asked the young doctor, the doctor said that our face will sink with time, age, and various behaviors in life. It doesn’t have to be old to sink because the bones that support the face will gradually erode with time. If we don’t support it quickly, it will sink and will continue to sink without us knowing. So I have to do it quickly when I’m not that old. When I get older, it won’t be as bad. And this technique is the Triangular Face Lift technique only at Rassapoom Clinic.
From what the young doctor analyzed, there were more problems on my face than what my eyes could see. If I hadn’t come to consult, I wouldn’t have known that I had so many problems. Also, the behaviors that I had unintentionally done without realizing them would never be solved. It’s good that I decided to come to consult and receive solutions now.

Triangular Face Lift solves the problem of wrinkles around the eyes (Mr. Noh Thanakorn Sribanjong)
The doctor injected me with the Toxin program first, using German Toxin. The doctor said that this Toxin is not resistant once injected, the results are fast, and it also reduces the chances of Toxin resistance in the long term. So I don’t have to be afraid of resistance from injections. After that, he injected Restylane filler to lift my face with the Triangular Face Lift technique at Rassapoom Clinic. The doctor said that there is anesthesia in it, in addition to applying the anesthetic, so I don’t have to be afraid of pain or burning during the injections. Toxin
After the injection, aside from the wrinkles and jawline that I was worried about, another benefit that I got from the doctor’s Triangular Face Lift was that my under-eye area improved a lot. My sunken eyes, dark circles, and sunken eyes, and overall, I didn’t look like I had enough sleep (laughs). I looked very well-rested. I never thought that this would be a problem that I hadn’t told the doctor about but would be fixed. As for the rest, I don’t need to worry at all. The doctor took care of everything until I didn’t have any spots to worry about.