Hair transplant with FUE technique, transform yourself into a new person, boost your confidence again.
Hair is something that greatly increases people’s confidence. It is also a part that enhances people’s personality very well. Whether the face looks beautiful, in shape, bright, or dull or haggard depends on the hair. However, for some people whose hair starts to fall out or thins, their confidence will gradually decrease. Some people even have to wear fake wigs or hats to boost their confidence. But wouldn’t it be better if boosting our confidence could happen by ourselves? From a method that is not dangerous and does not affect our daily life, such as opening the hair with the FUE technique, a safe hair transplant technique, is not dangerous, does not cause side effects, and the body does not resist.
Hair transplantation with FUE technique to solve the problem of wide head (Dr. Ken, Dr. Sivadon Lertpraphawich)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.

Before permanent hair transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.

After-image of Permanent Hair Transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.

Permanent Hair Transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Hair transplantation with FUE technique (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a permanent hair transplant surgery method by moving hair root cells to plant in the desired area. A small drill head of 0.8-1.2 mm is used to drill around the hair clumps, deep down to the hair roots below. Then each clump of hair is pulled out from the scalp. Hair transplantation with FUE technique is an international standard hair transplant technique used worldwide. It is also accepted as a technique that gives the most beautiful and natural results. When new hair grows, it will not fall out again without having to cut the scalp into long pieces like the old techniques.

Before permanent hair transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.

7-day post-operative photo of permanent hair transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.

14 days after permanent hair transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
FUE hair transplantation is considered the most effective permanent solution for baldness. FUE hair transplantation transplants hair root cells into areas where hair loss or hair loss occurs, or in desired areas. When new hair grows, it will not fall out. The surgical wound is very small and does not require stitches. With the FUE hair transplantation technique, the doctor uses an electric tool or Motorized FUE Devices with a small drill head to drill around the hair follicles at the back of the head. This is because the hair roots in that area are stronger than hair roots in other areas of the head. After the hair roots are removed, the hair roots are selected and soaked in a solution to preserve the hair roots. The hair roots from the back of the head are then transplanted into the desired locations, one root at a time, to ensure that the new hair that grows back is strong and beautiful.

Permanent Hair Transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Hair transplantation with FUE technique (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a permanent hair transplant surgery method by moving hair root cells to plant in the desired area. A small drill head of 0.8-1.2 mm is used to drill around the hair clumps down to the hair roots below. Then each clump of hair is pulled out of the scalp. The FUE hair transplant technique is an international standard hair transplant technique used worldwide. It is also accepted as a technique that gives the most beautiful and natural results. When new hair grows, it will not fall out again without having to cut the scalp into long pieces like the old techniques.
FUE hair transplantation is considered the most effective permanent solution for baldness. FUE hair transplantation transplants hair root cells into areas where hair loss or hair loss occurs, or in desired areas. When new hair grows, it will not fall out. The surgical wound is very small and does not require stitches. With the FUE hair transplantation technique, the doctor uses an electric tool or Motorized FUE Devices with a small drill head to drill around the hair follicles at the back of the head. This is because the hair roots in that area are stronger than hair roots in other areas of the head. After the hair roots are removed, the hair roots are selected and soaked in a solution to preserve the hair roots. The hair roots from the back of the head are then transplanted into the desired locations, one root at a time, to ensure that the new hair that grows back is strong and beautiful.
The operation of FUE hair transplant is similar to organ transplantation because it involves taking strong hair root cells (stem cells) and transplanting them into the new desired location on the scalp. After a period of hair transplantation, the newly transplanted cells will adhere to the surrounding tissue.
It makes new hair grow from stem cells stick to the area where there is hair loss or thinning hair where we want to transplant hair with the FUE technique. Therefore, it is considered a very safe method because it uses the hair root cells of the person receiving the treatment themselves in the transplant, which are cells from the body of the person receiving the treatment. Therefore, it does not cause the body to reject the cells or cause harm to the body.
Hair transplantation using the FUE technique is called a graph. The definition of the word graph is explained in an easy-to-understand way as follows:
Hair grafts are hair roots or hair tissue. Each graft has 1-4 hairs. 1 graft can be planted in only 1 position. The number of grafts used for hair transplantation varies from person to person. The number used depends on each person’s problem or the assessment of a specialist doctor.
Therefore, it is necessary for hair transplantation using the FUE technique to have a doctor assess before receiving the service to determine what type of baldness the recipient’s head has and how many grafts are required for transplantation.

Permanent Hair Transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Different types of baldness patterns
1. Pattern A is a baldness that begins with hair loss on the forehead and gradually concaves towards the middle of the head.
2. Type O is a type of baldness that starts with hair loss from the center of the head. This type of baldness is often called fried egg baldness. This type of baldness is most commonly found in men, and this type of baldness is often caused by genetics. In this type of fried egg baldness, hair starts with hair loss from the center of the head and continues to spread until the hair is almost completely bald. Only the hair on the back of the head still has hair growing well.
3. M pattern is a baldness in this type with hair starting to fall out from the front on both sides gradually concave in the shape of the letter M. It can be found in men at a young age, starting from the age of 18 years and up, hair can start to fall out and will start to fall out more and more until the age of 30 years, the hair line will start to be clearly seen that it has the shape of an M.
4. Type O and M are a combination of both types of baldness. It is the most common type of baldness and the most difficult to treat. The hair loss will start to increase and increase with age.
The width of the head area can be roughly divided as follows:
• Stage 0 is considered a stage where hair loss can still be controlled. People whose hair starts to recede like in stage 1 are not considered bald, but their hair starts to fall out. It is not noticeable to the naked eye.
• Stage 1: The front hairline begins to recede slightly, usually at both temples.
• Stage 2: Hair loss symptoms generally become more noticeable in stage 3, which is divided into 2 forms:
– The hairline and both temples start to recede upwards, becoming wider and more like the letter M.
– In addition to the temples becoming more receding, the hair on the crown will start to thin out, appearing as small spots on the center of the head.
• Stage 3: When the head begins to recede to this stage, it will be noticeable that there is more and more hair loss, until the hairline and temples become more receding. The thinning spot in the middle of the crown becomes larger, but there is still hair on the top and the hairline is receding in the front.
• Stage 4: This stage is similar to stage 3 but is more severe. The hairline on both temples continues to recede, and the junction between the frontal hairline and the bald spot on top is much thinner than in previous stages.
• Stage 5: The receding hairline at the front and the bald area at the center of the crown extend to meet.
• Stage 6: At this stage, the entire head will be bald, with only hair remaining on the sides above the ears and at the back.
The number of grafts for FUE hair transplantation can be estimated as follows:
• Area 1 uses approximately 500 – 800 grafts.
• Area 2 uses approximately 1000 – 1200 grafts.
• Area 3 uses approximately 1200 – 1500 grafts.
• Area 4 uses approximately 1000 – 1200 grafts.
• Area 5 uses approximately 1500 grafts.
• Area 6 uses approximately 1500 – 1800 grafts.
If the forehead starts to recede in area 1, 500 grafts will be used. If it occurs on both sides, the total will be 1,000 grafts.
If you add it to the second phase, add the area of area 1 to area 2, and the total will be 1,000+1,500, which equals 2,500 graphs.
It can be added according to the problematic area. However, before performing a hair transplant using the FUE technique, the expert doctor will make an assessment every time, according to the appropriateness of each individual’s problem.

Permanent Hair Transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Advantages of FUE Hair Transplantation Technique
• The quality of the hair graph during planting is up to 80-90%.
• The scar from FUE hair transplantation on the back will be a small spot, approximately 1 mm.
• Hair transplantation with FUE technique heals quickly and scars are barely visible.
• Hair transplantation with the FUE technique allows you to have short hair.
Who is FUE hair transplant suitable for?
• Hair transplantation using the FUE technique is suitable for people with baldness.
• Hair transplantation using the FUE technique is suitable for people with a wide forehead.
• Hair transplantation with the FUE technique is suitable for people with a wide face who want to make it narrower.
• Hair transplantation with the FUE technique is suitable for women who have a hairline similar to men with thinning hair.
• Hair transplantation with the FUE technique is suitable for those who want to transplant hair to adjust the frame of their face.
• FUE hair transplantation is suitable for those who want to conceal scars on their head.
• FUE hair transplantation is suitable for people with hair loss and thinning hair that cannot be treated with treatment of the cause or medication alone.

Permanent Hair Transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Preparation before receiving FUE hair transplant service
1. Stop taking vitamins, herbs, and dietary supplements at least 7 days before FUE hair transplantation.
Since these things can improve blood circulation, when there is an impact, it will bleed more easily than normal.
Some medications can cause easy bleeding and are difficult to stop, such as aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). If you have a chronic disease that requires continuous use of this type of medication, you should consult your doctor to consider whether you can stop taking the medication.
2. Avoid drinking any type of alcoholic beverages for at least 5-7 days before hair transplantation using the FUE technique.
3. Avoid drinking tea and coffee 1 day before hair transplantation using the FUE technique.
4. You should wear a shirt with buttons in the front for easy changing of clothes during FUE hair transplantation and avoid touching the area where FUE hair transplantation is performed.
5. Blood test (blood test results must not be more than 3 months old)
• CBC (complete blood count) is a test for the quantity and characteristics of three types of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
• PT (prothrombin time), PTT partial thromboplastin time) is a blood test to find the cause of easy bleeding or difficult bleeding. Usually, other tests are done together.
• HIV(Anti-HIV Testing) Testing the body’s immune system.
• HBsAg (Hepatitis B surface Antigen) is a blood test to detect the hepatitis B virus.
• HCV (Hepatitis C Virus) is an indicator of having or having had infection with the hepatitis C virus.
• VDRL/SYPHILIS (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test) is a blood test to screen for both primary and secondary syphilis.

Permanent Hair Transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Hair transplant procedure using FUE technique
1. The doctor will design and draw the hairline in the area where the hair transplant is desired using the FUE technique.
2. Cut the hair at the back short to facilitate surgery.
3. Let the patient lie face down and inject local anesthesia into the back of the head.
4. Remove the hair root cells from the back of the hair.
5.Separate healthy hair cells.
6. Soak in the solution to nourish the cells to increase the quality of the hair roots.
7. Bring the hair root cells to plant in the selected area.
8. Wrap gauze to prevent swelling after FUE hair transplantation.
9. Wear a cloth hat to prevent dust from touching the planted hair graphs.
The gauze that Rassapoom Clinic uses to wrap your head during the FUE hair transplant should not be removed for 48 hours because during the hair transplant procedure, local anesthesia is injected, which may cause some blood clots in the area where the hair is transplanted. As time passes, blood, lymph, and the local anesthesia that was previously injected will flow from the top of your head into your face, causing facial swelling.
If the gauze is wrapped, the blood, lymph and anesthesia will remain in the head area and will gradually dry out on its own. It will not cause the face to swell like in the first case. In order to make life easier and reduce anxiety, you should strictly follow this step.

Permanent Hair Transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Symptoms after FUE hair transplantation
1. Itching and swelling may occur after FUE hair transplantation.
2. Hair transplantation with the FUE technique involves small wounds, which can cause itching and swelling. Itching can occur 2-3 days after the hair transplant. Do not scratch, pick, or pick at the wound area, as this may cause the hair grafts to fall out. If the scalp is itchy or sore, gently rub it or use an ointment to relieve itching. Swelling will disappear on its own within 7 days after the hair transplant. You can use a cold compress to reduce swelling.
3. There will be hair loss after hair transplantation with the FUE technique for approximately 1 month.
4. Hair root transplantation causes a change from hair in the growing phase to hair shedding phase at the same time. This causes a post-hair transplant condition where the hair in the transplanted area and the surrounding hair may experience hair loss. However, this hair loss is only temporary. As time passes, the hair that has fallen out will grow back again.
5. This hair loss can occur from 2 weeks to 3 months. After that, the hair will gradually start to grow back. The results after hair transplantation will start to be clearly seen after 1 year.
Self-care after FUE hair transplant
• After hair transplantation with the FUE technique, for 1 hour after hair transplantation, do not touch the area where the hair grafts were transplanted at all and do not lower your head, sleep on your side or stomach as this will cause your face to swell.
• After hair transplantation with FUE technique, there will be swelling. You should sleep on your back or side to prevent the hair grafts from falling out. You should also use a headband or neck pillow to support the head to minimize impact or friction with the pillow. It also helps prevent pressure on the wound in the nape of the neck.
• After hair transplantation with FUE technique, you should avoid drinking any type of alcohol for at least 2 weeks because alcohol increases blood pressure in the body, stimulates blood vessels to expand, causing blood to flow out easily.
• After hair transplantation with the FUE technique, avoid wiping, rubbing, scratching the wound area and definitely do not pick off the wound scab for 2 weeks as this may cause bleeding or infection and the transplanted hair roots may fall out.
• After hair transplantation with the FUE technique, avoid exposing your head to direct sunlight for 2 weeks. If you have to leave the house, it is recommended to wear a hat that is airy, not stuffy, and does not squeeze or press on the wound. Do not wear a helmet over the wound.
• After FUE hair transplantation, you should avoid swimming and activities that cause sweating, such as heavy exercise that causes sweating, going to crowded places with a lot of dust and smoke for 1 month.
• After hair transplantation with the FUE technique, avoid exercising, lifting heavy objects, and avoid strenuous activities for 1 month.
• After hair transplantation with FUE technique, hair coloring, perming, straightening, and dyeing should be avoided for at least 3 months to avoid affecting the hair roots.
• It is not recommended to use hair styling products. It can be used after 1 month of FUE hair transplantation.

Permanent Hair Transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
How to clean the wound and wash your hair after FUE hair transplant
Shampooing after hair transplant Shampooing after hair transplant plays an important role in the success of the hair transplant, especially in the first week after the hair transplant surgery, you should be very careful. The care taken to get new hair increases the healing process after the procedure.
1. Day after hair transplant using FUE technique
• You can use saline to clean the surrounding area or use a syringe to suck up saline and spray it to clean both the front where the hair grafts were planted and the wound behind.
• Use a hair dryer with cool air to dry. Avoid using a cloth to wipe it dry.
• Use a cotton swab soaked in Betadine and apply it to the wound on the back of the head.
• Cover with a normal gauze and wrap it with an elastic bandage for 1-2 rounds. Wear a normal hat or cover.
2. Day after hair transplant using FUE technique
• Wash your hair with a gentle formula or baby shampoo. Make the shampoo into a lather and then gently dab it onto the area where the hair grafts were planted. For the back of the wound, rub it gently. Absolutely do not pick or scratch the area where the hair grafts were planted, both in the front and the back. After washing, use a gauze to gently pat the back of the wound and use a hair dryer to blow cold air until dry.
• Apply Betadine to the wound on the back for another day.
• If there is no severe swelling, it is not necessary to wrap with plain gauze and white elastic bandage, but if there is swelling, you can wrap with plain gauze and white elastic bandage.
• Wear a hat and cover.

Permanent Hair Transplant (FUE)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Hair washing steps after FUE hair transplant
• Use water at normal temperature to wash the area where the FUE hair transplant is performed. Be careful not to use too much water as the hair roots may fall out.
• Use only baby shampoo to wash your hair. Pour the shampoo onto your palm and rub to create foam before applying by gently tapping your palm on the scalp area where the FUE hair transplant was performed. During this step, do not massage or rub. Leave it for 2-3 minutes to allow the shampoo foam to dissolve the dirt on your scalp.
• Rinse gently with water.
• Do not use conditioner, if you do, use it only on your hair.
• Dry your hair by gently patting it dry or using a hair dryer set on low and cool air. Never use hot air as the heat will affect the newly grown hair roots.
• If the surgical wound area has scabs caused by excessive blood and lymph, apply olive oil to the scabbed area and leave it on for 10 minutes before shampooing to allow the scabs to fall off easily when shampooing. However, this method should only be done after the 7th day. It should not be done before then at all.
• You can wash your hair as usual after FUE hair transplant.