What is rhinoplasty? Who is suitable for rhinoplasty?
In addition to building confidence from yourself, another way to build it is by enhancing, adding, and decorating to look better. This is building confidence from the outside to heal the mind or close the wounds that may have been created, which caused the lack of confidence.
Rhinoplasty is considered one of the first surgeries and is also a popular surgery that people often choose to do because it is the center of the face. It is like a landmark that people usually look at first and is the part that determines the dimensions of the face. As many people say, when the nose is high and beautiful, it will make the face have more dimensions. The face will look gentle or sharp, depending on the shape of the nose.

What is rhinoplasty? What you should know when getting a rhinoplasty for the first time
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to reshape the nose to make it more prominent and beautiful by adding materials such as silicone implants to the nose to make it more prominent and in line with the face, along with other materials that help enhance the shape and appearance of the nose, such as Gore-tex, Medpor, as well as cartilage or rib bones.
In addition to enhancing confidence, rhinoplasty can also be used to correct abnormal nose shapes and disproportionate noses. It can also help correct nasal structures that are defective from birth, as well as correct mistakes caused by accidents.
In addition, rhinoplasty is considered an art. Therefore, the selected doctor must have skills in designing silicone to have a shape that fits the face and the shape of the various organs on the face. He must also calculate the safety of silicone placement and determine the height of the silicone to fit the nasal tissue of each person on the basis of safety, without it breaking through or causing danger later.

What is rhinoplasty? What you should know when getting a rhinoplasty for the first time
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Who is suitable for rhinoplasty?
There are many types of people who are suitable for rhinoplasty, whether they want rhinoplasty for beauty, rhinoplasty to treat respiratory diseases, or rhinoplasty to correct or modify. However, in general, people who want rhinoplasty must have the following qualifications in order to undergo rhinoplasty.
1. People who undergo rhinoplasty should be 18-20 years old or older because this is the age when the face is fully developed and the nose has a fixed size and shape.
2. People who undergo rhinoplasty must not be pregnant or breastfeeding.
3. Rhinoplasty is not recommended for those who take anticoagulants, have blood clots, or those with blood vessel disorders, such as stenosis.
4. People with underlying medical conditions that may affect the surgery, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease, should consult a doctor to diagnose their medical conditions before deciding to undergo a nose job.
5. You should treat nasal symptoms such as colds or infected wounds before undergoing rhinoplasty.

What is rhinoplasty? What you should know when getting a rhinoplasty for the first time
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
The proportion of a beautiful and clearly proportioned nose is a nose that, when turned to the side, the bridge of the nose must form an obtuse angle, with a degree of 120 – 135 degrees. The length of the nose and the height of the nose should be in a ratio of 1: 067. It should not be more than this because it will be disproportionate. The middle of the nose must be at the appropriate degree, which is 90-95 degrees for women and 95 – 105 degrees for men. For women, the tip of the nose must be turned up and pointed to give a soft look to the face.
The length of the nose should be 1/3 of the length of the face, divided into 3 equal parts: the forehead, nose and chin.
The silicone must be sculpted to look natural. The placement of the silicone must protrude from the bone base and be placed at a lower height than the upper eyelid, leaving a concave groove to separate the top of the nose (Radix) and the forehead bone (Grabella).
The nose design must be in a shape that matches the face and facial features. The shape must be natural and balanced. If all the above conditions are met, the face will be more beautiful immediately after the nose surgery.
How many types of rhinoplasty are there? What are they?
Basically, there are 3 types of rhinoplasty that are commonly known and are mainly used in rhinoplasty. They are divided according to the type of surgery.

What is rhinoplasty? What you should know when getting a rhinoplasty for the first time
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
In type 1, the surgery is performed by making a small incision on only one side. We call this type of nose surgery a
“Closed Endonasal Rhinoplasty”
Closed rhinoplasty is a popular rhinoplasty method from the past to the present. This rhinoplasty method is suitable for those who want to increase the height of their nose slightly and have no other problems with the structure of their nose, no short nose or little nasal tissue, except for a flat nose bridge. The original shape of the nose is already in good shape. It is suitable for those who want to increase the height or lengthen the tip of the nose by no more than 3-5 millimeters. It is also suitable for those who do not want to see the surgical wound from the outside. It is also a method that does not bleed much and requires a short recovery time because it is a rhinoplasty method that disturbs the basic structure of the nose the least. It does not require anesthesia during the surgery and takes only 30-45 minutes to perform.
Closed Endonasal Rhinoplasty
1. The surgeon will make an incision on the side of the nose to create a space on the bridge of the nose under the periosteum. The nose in the patient’s nostril may be made on one or both sides.
2. Insert the silicone rod that has been shaped into shape into the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose along the surgical wound.
3. After that, the wound inside the nasal cavity will be closed with stitches.
This method is a method in which the doctor will enhance the nose without correcting the internal structure. It is suitable for patients who do not have many problems with the structure of the nose.
Advantages of Closed Rhinoplasty
1. Closed rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty that causes little swelling or bruising, or in some cases, no swelling or bruising at all.
2. Closed rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that requires a short and short surgical time.
3. Closed rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is not expensive.
Disadvantages of closed rhinoplasty
1. Closed rhinoplasty cannot adjust the nasal structure to correct the original problem. It is not suitable for correcting complex nasal structure problems, such as a short, upturned nose or a very hooked nose.
2. Closed rhinoplasty cannot make the nose shape more prominent, tall, and pointed.
3. Closed rhinoplasty cannot reduce the size of the nasal structure or bridge.
4. Closed rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty that carries a risk of having a perforated, crooked or distorted nose in the future.
5. Closed rhinoplasty cannot be used in conjunction with augmentation of tissue or bone behind the ear.

What is rhinoplasty? What you should know when getting a rhinoplasty for the first time
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Type 2: The surgery is performed by opening the wound inside both sides. We call this type of rhinoplasty a
“Semi-Open Endonasal Rhinoplasty”
Semi-open rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty surgery that is between closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty. The method is that the doctor will make incisions on both nostrils to show more of the structure of the nose than with closed rhinoplasty. The highlight of rhinoplasty surgery with the semi-open rhinoplasty technique is the ability to sew and decorate the interdome as well as decorate the tip of the nose to make it more beautiful and slender.
This method is suitable for those who have a large nose or bulbous nose who want to increase the beautiful, slender nose tip and lift the nose tip. It is suitable for those who want to change the structure of the nose to a small to moderate level because it takes less time to recover than the open method and can hide the surgical scars more easily than the open rhinoplasty method.
Semi-Open Endonasal Rhinoplasty is not an official medical procedure, but is an open wound procedure.
Semi-Open Endonasal Rhinoplasty
1. The doctor will perform a surgical incision inside both nostrils, including the connecting incision at the columella.
2. Decorate the area of the original nose base that needs to be corrected to achieve the desired shape.
3. Insert the silicone rod that has been shaped into the shape of the nose bridge to the tip of the nose along the surgical wound.
4. Tissue or cartilage behind the ear may be added according to the patient’s needs.
5. After that, the wound inside the nasal cavity will be closed with stitches.
Advantages of semi-open rhinoplasty
1. Semi-open rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty that reduces the chances of the nose being tilted and the chances of an uneven nose, as well as correcting the internal structure directly.
2. Semi-open rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty that helps to beautify the nose without having to make a wide wound. The wound can be hidden inside the nostril.
3. Semi-open rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty that can correct a wide nose.
4. Semi-open rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that does not take long to perform and recover.
5. Semi-open rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty that can lift the interdome to lift the tip of the nose.
Disadvantages of semi-open rhinoplasty
1. Closed rhinoplasty does not allow for the entire nasal structure to be adjusted.
2. Closed rhinoplasty is not suitable for those who need to lengthen the nasal septum and remove fluid.
3. Closed rhinoplasty cannot reduce the size of the nasal structure or bridge.
4. Closed rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty that carries a risk of the nose becoming perforated, crooked, or distorted in the future.

What is rhinoplasty? What you should know when getting a rhinoplasty for the first time
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Type 3 will perform the surgery by opening the wound on the entire nose. We call this type of rhinoplasty a
“Open rhinoplasty (Open Endonasal Rhinoplasty)”
Open rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty surgery that involves opening a wound under the base of the nose and making a vertical incision to reveal the nasal bridge. The skin in that area is then separated from the nasal structure to adjust the nasal structure.
and create a new desired nose shape to solve the nose problem accurately. This type of open nasal structure rhinoplasty surgery will allow the doctor to see the entire internal nasal structure clearly and can be used together with various techniques to adjust and correct the nasal structure.
Open rhinoplasty is a popular method nowadays because it can correct the nose down to the structural level and adjust the nose to suit the needs very well. Because this method can adjust the nose to be longer, adjust the nasal axis to be straight and beautiful by using cartilage or other synthetic tissues as an assistant. It can also directly fix the structural problems of the nose, whether it is the bridge of the nose, fix the hump of the nose, crooked nose or decorate the tip of the nose to make the nose longer, upturned, have a pointed tip or make the tip of the nose into a teardrop shape. It can also be done.
Characteristics of the nose suitable for open rhinoplasty include:
1. People who have little nasal flesh, a short nose, a pig nose, or a nose without a teardrop.
2. People with a high hump nose or a hooked nose tip (Polly beak Deformity)
3. Those who want to have a longer nose.
4. People who have a thick, large nose tip, a wide nose, or a disproportionate nose shape.
5. People who have a crooked or deformed nasal bone problem.
6. Those who want to enhance the tip of their nose to be more prominent and pointed.
7. People who have a crooked nasal axis or have uneven nostrils.
8. People with respiratory problems who need to be fixed.
Open Endonasal Rhinoplasty
1. The doctor will open all wounds in the middle of the nose by opening the wound under the base of the nose and making a vertical incision until the nasal shaft is visible and separating the skin from the nasal structure to adjust the nasal structure to directly go in and correct the nasal structure inside.
2. Defatting: Fat removal at the tip of the nose to make the nose slimmer in cases where there is a lot of nasal flesh, a thick tip, and a desire to reduce the size of the nose.
3. If there is a problem with the nasal structure, the doctor will perform nose base reshaping, cut the protruding hump, file the hump, trim the bone base, or use various techniques to make the nose more beautiful.
4. Extension graft / strut graft lengthens the nasal septum, establishes the center of the nose to increase strength of the nasal tip and to achieve a beautiful, pointed nasal tip. Ipplasty (nose tip decoration) trims and reduces the size of the cartilage, lifts and moves the nasal tip, and ties the nasal tip to make it beautiful and slender by suturing the interdome and creating a new tip with cartilage or your own fat.
5. Insert the silicone that the doctor has shaved into an L or I shape, as appropriate, to fit the face.
6. Insert the silicone that the doctor has shaved into an L or I shape, as appropriate, to fit the face.
Advantages of open rhinoplasty
1. Open rhinoplasty is suitable for those who have severe nasal deformity.
2. Open rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty surgery that can solve almost every problem directly.
3. Open rhinoplasty can be done in many shapes, including both male and female nose shapes, such as a teardrop shape, a sloped nose with a pointed tip, a Korean nose shape, or a natural Barbie line shape.
4. Open rhinoplasty is a method where the doctor can clearly see the internal structure of the nose.
5. Open rhinoplasty: The doctor can solve the structural problems of the nose, whether it is filing or hammering the hump (Humpectomy) accurately, including solving complex problems such as scar tissue, distorted nose, and undesired shape effectively.
6. Open rhinoplasty can correct crooked and bulging bones that are congenital or from accidents, broken nasal bones (Twisted nose, Crooked nose deformity, External deviated nose) very well by hammering the nasal bones (Osteotomy) and suturing to straighten the nasal septum (Clocking suture).
Disadvantages of open rhinoplasty
1. Open and closed rhinoplasty does not allow for the entire nasal structure to be adjusted.
2. Closed rhinoplasty is not suitable for those who need to lengthen the nasal septum and remove fluid.
3. Closed rhinoplasty cannot reduce the size of the nasal structure or bridge.
4. Closed rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty that carries a risk of the nose being perforated, tilted, or crooked in the future.
5. Open rhinoplasty is a complicated procedure and takes a long time to perform.
6. Open rhinoplasty may have a visible external surgical wound at the front of the nose (columellar incision).
7. Open rhinoplasty uses anesthesia during the surgery.
8. Open rhinoplasty is expensive.
9. For open rhinoplasty, the surgeon performing the surgery must be a specialist.
10. Open rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that requires a long recovery time.
Precautions for open rhinoplasty
1. You should choose a clinic where you can have your nose job done that is trustworthy and has a clean and sanitary place.
2. You should choose a doctor who is highly experienced and skilled in open rhinoplasty.
3. Watch out for complications such as crooked, tilted noses and abnormal nose shapes.
4. It would be best to stop smoking 6 months before a nose job and stop drinking alcohol for at least 2 weeks for the best results after the nose job. This is because the toxic effects of cigarette smoke cause the nasal tissue to heal slowly, the surgical wound to not close properly, and the nose tends to form scar tissue easily. Alcohol also causes the wound to become inflamed.
How many types of silicone are used in rhinoplasty?
Normally, silicone used for nose augmentation is divided into 2 types:
1. Ready-made silicone
Silicone nose implants with a fixed shape have a low chance of being crooked or tilted. This type of silicone will create a clear nose shape. Prefabricated silicone is convenient to use, so each rhinoplasty surgery does not take long. Usually, the doctor will make only minor adjustments to adjust the silicone to be more suitable for each person’s facial structure. However, this type of silicone may not be suitable for all patients. It also requires expertise to place. If the doctor is not skilled enough, the augmented nose may easily lose its shape.
2. Silicone stick or self-sharpening type
Silicone nose implants are in the form of square bars. The method is that the doctor will take this type of silicone and carve it himself to get the shape that suits the patient. It requires quite a high level of skill and expertise of the doctor. Therefore, the doctor and service provider must be selected with high expertise. If done by an inexperienced doctor, the silicone may become deformed, flaky, or uneven. However, the advantage is that it can be adjusted to look very natural.
Preparation before rhinoplasty surgery
It is very important before undergoing a rhinoplasty surgery to inform the doctor that you have any chronic diseases, drug allergies, or are taking any medications, especially aspirin or ibuprofen, so that the surgeon knows your history and can plan a safe surgery. In addition, you should take care of your own health, such as:
• Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
• Avoid eating fermented foods.
• Avoid seafood.
• Stop taking any vitamins before nose surgery.
• Do not wear makeup and wash your hair thoroughly before surgery.
• You can eat before surgery. You do not need to abstain from food or water.
Self-care after rhinoplasty surgery
• During the first 72 hours after surgery, apply cold compresses to the face but not to the wound area to help stop the bleeding and reduce swelling faster. Sleep with your head elevated to prevent blood from pooling in the nasal cavity.
• If there is any bleeding within 1-2 days after surgery, use a cotton swab soaked in saline to gently wipe it off and apply the antiseptic solution provided by the clinic.
• After 72 hours, the wound will start to heal. You can apply warm compresses to reduce bruising and purple marks.
• Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and stop smoking for 1 month because it affects wound healing.
• Do not pick, scratch, rub or rub your nose. Avoid playing heavy sports as the nasal tissue is not yet strong.
• There are 2 appointments to remove stitches at 7 and 14 days. After removing stitches 14 days later, count another 2 days and you can wash your face as usual.
• Be careful not to put pressure or impact on the nose area.
For each rhinoplasty technique, there is no judgment that one method is better than the other. It depends on each individual’s problems. For those who want rhinoplasty, you should clearly inform the doctor what kind of nose shape you want and what kind of correction your nose base needs to be done together. Then, you can analyze which rhinoplasty technique is suitable for you. Therefore, every time you receive rhinoplasty, you should inform the doctor of your needs in order to receive a clear diagnosis. Because it is a surgical procedure, doing it only once is always better than fixing it.