Double chin liposuction to solve double chin problems with small wounds and no danger
A big face, a fat face, or a wide face are things that many people feel worried about, whether they are men or women. Especially since we are in the era of taking selfies, it makes us worry even more about whether our face is big or not, whether it is beautiful, handsome, and proportionate or not. Moreover, taking pictures with friends is another factor that makes us feel shy or embarrassed that our face is not small like other friends’. If we keep editing the pictures, when people see us in real life, they will probably be shocked that the pictures are not the same as the real ones. It is better to get rid of this evil double chin, so that we can stop worrying. No matter how many pictures we take, there will be no interruption.
There are many ways to get rid of fat under the chin and fat under the chin, such as injection programs to dissolve fat, various lifting devices, including liposuction, which is considered a permanent way to get rid of fat in the chin area and does not have to wait for it to dissolve. This method is the most temporary way to get rid of fat in the chin area, without worrying about the fat not dissolving because it is a permanent way to remove fat from the face.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Double chin liposuction is a method to solve the problem of accumulated fat on the face that can be done for both men and women. Importantly, it can be done for users with all body types. Because the problem of accumulated fat on the face, double chin or double chin can occur in both thin people and those who are chubby. It is not true that thin people will not have a double chin, but due to various factors such as genetics, double chin or food intake such as oily or fried food, including sagging skin, it can cause a double chin. And for this reason, in some cases, double chin and double chin cannot be reduced by weight loss. The double chin liposuction program is the best way to get rid of fat because it helps lift and tighten the skin at the same time.
What is Double Chin Liposuction?
Double Chin Liposuction Program is a program designed to solve the problem of fat accumulated on the face, which is mostly under the skin of the chin or lower cheeks by using a machine that is designed to break up the accumulated fat and then suck it out. It must create the smallest wound, leaving the least bruises or pain because it is done on the face. Rassapoom Clinic has 2 programs for double chin liposuction, which both programs have different advantages as follows:

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
The FaceTite program is a liposuction program for the chin and double chin that uses radio frequency waves or Radio Frequency Assisted Lipolysis, abbreviated as RFAL, to break down fat and also helps tighten sagging facial and neck skin at the same time. Because the FaceTite program is a liposuction program for the chin and double chin that does not make the skin in the area that receives the service loose after the fat is sucked out, the skin after the FaceTite program, a liposuction program for the chin and double chin, will clearly see that the skin is leaner and firmer without having to do major surgery that is dangerous or painful.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Characteristics and working principles of the FaceTite program, a program for liposuction of the chin and double chin
FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, is a program designed to eliminate facial fat. It is therefore produced with a special small-sized handpiece to make it easy to reach small spots on the face conveniently. Therefore, it gives good treatment results and a short recovery time.
The FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, uses high-frequency radio waves in the Bipolar form. The method of the machine is the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, which sends Bipolar radio waves to the Handpiece, and the waves will cause the fat accumulated in the double chin and chin to break up. In addition, the waves also help the fibro septal to shrink and make the skin firm, condense the skin, and firm up. It also helps stimulate the production of collagen under the skin, making the skin in the area receiving the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, smoother, firmer, and more compact, making the overall face look slimmer and smaller.
The Handpiece consists of a device that has 2 heads (Handpiece): the External Electrode head, which is a flat head, located on top, and the Internal Electrode head, which is a blunt head located on the bottom (this is the part that the doctor will insert under the skin to break down the accumulated fat). The Handpiece is 10 centimeters long and 1.3 millimeters in diameter.
The two handpiece heads will provide heat through different heads according to the level that the doctor has adjusted using the FaceTite program. The double chin and chin liposuction program uses temperatures from 40-60 degrees Celsius, which is a level of heat that helps in lifting and tightening the skin well. It is not too strong to burn the skin and is very safe if performed by a doctor with expertise.
FaceTite Program, where can fat removal for chin and double chin be done?
1. FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, helps reduce double chin and sagging under the chin.
2. FaceTite program, a program for sucking fat from the chin and double chin, helps to keep the face frame sharp, helps to adjust the face to look slimmer, adjust the face frame to be clear, helps to create dimensions for the face.
3. FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, helps to make the treated area skin look fresh and youthful, looking younger.
4. FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program that helps stimulate collagen production under the skin, making the treated area firm, tight, lean, and smooth.
5. FaceTite program, a fat suction program for the chin and double chin, helps solve facial skin problems, tightens the face, and reduces facial sagging.
6. FaceTite program, a program for liposuction of the chin and double chin, helps reduce the cheek grooves and nasolabial folds.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Who is the FaceTite program suitable for?
1. FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, is suitable for those who have a double chin, sagging skin, or have a small amount of accumulated fat, as it will give clearer results.
2. FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, is suitable for those who do not have time to recover or do not want to recover because it is a program that is not a major surgery.
3. FaceTite program, a fat suction program for the chin and double chin, is suitable for those who have a chin, a double chin, accumulated fat on the face, and have an unclear facial frame.
4. FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, is suitable for those who have wrinkles on the lower face, have cheek grooves, and mouth corner grooves.
5. FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, is suitable for those who have used other methods to reduce double chin but did not see results.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
What are the benefits of the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program?
• The advantage of the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, is that it is a fat dissolving method that can be done only once, and the results can be seen clearly and quickly. It also provides long-lasting results that can last for many years.
• The advantage of the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, is that it is a less painful method and does not require a long recovery period. Since it is not a major surgery, it only takes 1-2 days to recover.
• Advantages of the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, reduce double chin, is that it can preserve the face frame, which is a method that is very effective without major surgery, and is not dangerous.
• The advantage of the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, is that the wound is only 3 mm. in size. This method reduces fat without leaving scars.
• The advantage of the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, is that it is safe for the skin because it is a program that does not burn, sting, or heat and does not contain any foreign substances because the machine uses RF waves to help break down fat and tighten the skin only.
• Advantages of the FaceTite program, a program for liposuction of the chin and double chin, making the face slimmer: making the face sharp, the face frame clear, giving fast results.
What are the limitations of the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program?
• Limitations of the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, are that some people may experience swelling or redness in the first 1-2 days after the procedure.
• The limitation of the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, is that it can only dissolve fat and tighten the skin on the face and neck.
• The limitation of doing the FaceTite program, the double chin and chin liposuction program, is that it is necessary to wear a facial bandage to maintain the shape of the face after liposuction as advised by the doctor.
• Limitations of the FaceTite program, the double chin and chin liposuction program, are that it is not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Preparation before FaceTite, a double chin and chin liposuction program
1. Before doing the FaceTite program, the double chin and chin liposuction program, if you have a chronic disease, are taking any medicine or vitamin supplements, you should inform your doctor for safety.
2. Before doing the FaceTite program, the double chin and chin liposuction program, you should stop taking medicines, vitamins or supplements for about 1-2 weeks because these medicines affect blood clotting.
3. Before doing the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, you should get enough sleep.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
FaceTite procedure, a double chin and chin liposuction program
1. The doctor analyzes the face and determines the points for liposuction.
2. The medical assistant cleans the face thoroughly before performing the procedure to maintain cleanliness and prevent infection.
3. The doctor draws to determine the points in the area where the fat will be sucked out in the chin or double chin.
4. The doctor injects local anesthesia into the area where the liposuction is to be performed.
5. Wait for the medicine to take effect.
6. When the anesthesia takes effect, the doctor will make a small incision and insert the FaceTite program, a program for sucking fat from the chin and double chin, under the skin to break down fat and tighten the skin in the area that was initially specified.
7. Get started until it’s done.
8. Apply a plaster.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Self-care after FaceTite, double chin and chin liposuction
1. After the FaceTite program, the double chin and chin liposuction program, you should strictly use a facial bandage for 2-4 weeks as advised by the treating doctor.
2. After doing the FaceTite program, the double chin and chin liposuction program, you should avoid touching your face by grabbing or other methods.
3. After doing the FaceTite program, the double chin and chin liposuction program, you should apply cold compresses to the area as advised by the doctor for 15 minutes each time and do it 4-5 times a day.
4. After the FaceTite program, the double chin and chin liposuction program, warm compresses should be applied on the 4th-5th day after liposuction.
5. After the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, you should avoid washing your face in the wound area.
6. After doing the FaceTite program, the double chin and chin liposuction program, you should avoid facial massage, botox injections, filler injections, laser treatments, or facial treatments for 1 month.
7. After the FaceTite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, you should stop smoking and drinking alcohol for about 2 weeks.
Results after FaceTite, a double chin and chin liposuction program
1. After doing the FaceTite program, a program to suck out fat from the chin and double chin, the face will be smaller.
2. After doing the FaceTite program, a program to suck out fat from the chin and double chin, the face frame will be more defined.
3. After doing the FaceTite program, a program to suck out fat from the chin and double chin, the face will be slimmer and tighter.
4. After the FaceTite program, a fat suction program for the chin and double chin, there may be swelling and redness in the beginning.
5. After doing the FaceTite program, a fat suction program for the chin and double chin, there may be some pain or tightness in the face in the beginning.
FaceTite Program, Double Chin and Chin Liposuction Program, When Will the Results Be Seen? How Long Will They Last?
After having the FaceTite program, a fat suction program for the chin and double chin, there may be facial swelling at first, but it will gradually subside visibly and will be in place within 2-3 months depending on the person. The results can be permanent depending on the diet. To maintain the results for the longest time, you should reduce eating that will cause fat to accumulate, such as fried food, pork legs, or chicken rice, etc. You should also exercise to help burn off fat.
For another liposuction program that has received attention and has been performed by many people, because it is a program that gives good and satisfactory results, and also makes the skin on the face look firm and beautiful. And that program is the ACCUtite program, a program for liposuction of the chin and double chin.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
What is the ACCUtite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program?
The ACCUtite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, is a technology designed to break down fat and also lift and tighten to a high standard because it has received certification from the US Food and Drug Administration or US FDA. It is a machine that uses the method of breaking down fat and lifting.
By using high-frequency radio waves or Radio Frequency Assisted Lipolysis or RFAL to transmit through the cannula head of the smallest RFAL machine group with a temperature of up to 65 degrees, it is the most convenient machine to use because it is small and easy to access even in areas that are hard to reach, making the ACCUtite program, the double chin and chin liposuction program, able to solve fat problems accurately and precisely. In addition, the ACCUtite program, the double chin and chin liposuction program, also helps to tighten the skin by contracting the Fibro Septal, making the skin tighter.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Consists of 2 heads for reducing facial fat: one head that releases RF energy and one head that helps with lifting.
• Flat head is the head on the upper side. It has a flat head shape to deliver radiofrequency energy from the head to the skin to treat and tighten sagging skin.
The flat head works as a non-ablative laser, so there is no wave in the liposuction. It has high wave stability and is gentle on the skin, so it does not cause skin burns.
• The blunt head is the head on the bottom and is the head that the doctor will insert under the skin to break down excess fat under the skin.
This type of head has a head length of 6 cm and a head diameter of 0.9 mm, so it does not cause scarring after liposuction.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
In addition, the ACCUtite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, can lift and tighten, break down excess fat, and also create collagen and elastin to cause the creation of new collagen and elastin under the skin. In addition, it is a small device, making it easier for the doctor to hold it, making it easier to treat.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Advantages of ACCUtite Program, Double Chin and Chin Liposuction Program
1. ACCUtite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, helps tighten sagging facial skin.
2. ACCUtite program, a program for liposuction of the chin and double chin, has a small wound size, so the recovery time after the procedure is short.
3. ACCUtite program, a double chin and chin liposuction program, helps to break down excess fat that accumulates under the skin.
4. ACCUtite program, a program for liposuction of the chin and double chin, does not cause skin burns or thinning after the procedure.
5. ACCUtite program, a program for liposuction of the chin and double chin, can be used to treat small, hard-to-reach areas.
6. ACCUtite program, a program for sucking fat from the chin and double chin, helps tighten the skin deep into the fibrous layer under the skin, Fibro Septal.
7. ACCUtite program, a program for liposuction of the chin and double chin, helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin under the skin.

Chin liposuction to solve double chin problems
(FaceTite AccuTite program)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.