BodyTite can remove fat from all parts without having to worry about new fat accumulation.
Everyone wants a good figure. This statement is not an exaggeration. A good figure here may not mean being small or having a small waist, but a good figure in your own style that comes with firmness, firmness, not saggy, sagging or wrinkled, but overall looks just right. However, the lifestyle and work of people in this era where each person has more than 1 job, exercising and controlling diet may not be the answer for people in this era because there is no time and they have to use their brains to think about work, so they cannot reduce or avoid eating. In addition, dessert is the only thing that makes life more refreshing, something that is hard to avoid. Liposuction is therefore a good choice and suitable for the lifestyle of people in this era who cannot spare time from both their main and secondary jobs to exercise when they want to have a good figure.
Liposuction today has been invented and developed in many ways until there are many popular liposuction machines. Each machine has different energy in using to suck out the fat. But the most popular machine that everyone knows and wants to try at least once is the BodyTite machine.
What is liposuction?
Liposuction is the process of breaking up the fat that has accumulated in the body before it is sucked out. There are many techniques for liposuction. The most common methods are using ultrasound waves, water pressure, radio waves, or heat to break up and dissolve the fat that has accumulated in the body, making it easier to suck out the fat.
BodyTite is one of the first generations of liposuction and body-shaping machines that have become popular on the market and have been widely talked about for their amazing results and have been loved by people all over the world, including celebrities, specialized media, and general media, both in the United States and around the world, in eliminating fat and tightening the skin to be smooth in one go. It uses the energy principle of Radio-Frequency Assisted Liposuction, or better known as RFAL waves, which will help break down fat and tighten the skin at the same time, covering the problem of sagging and excess skin very well.
Excess fat around the body is dissolved with heat at a temperature of 40-60 degrees celsius sent out from the BodyTite Pro through a blunt needle that is inserted under the skin. In addition to reducing excess fat, this technique can also make the Fibro Septal Network or the fibers that attach to the skin adhere better. Therefore, the excess fat that makes the skin look saggy and loose becomes thinner and adheres to the skin.
Another special feature of BodyTite liposuction machine is that the machine consists of a head which is considered an important device or so-called “Handpiece” that is not only designed for liposuction but also a device that releases RF energy (Radio Frequency Wave) the same type of wave that we use for facelifting that will help break down fat and tighten the skin. The method does not only break down the fat cell walls that have clumped together, but also changes the structure and biochemical factors in the treatment area to change the structure of lymph flow in the body. Therefore, while breaking down fat, it will also have the effect of tightening the skin at the same time, building collagen at the same time, and also helping to eliminate cellulite from the body, making the skin have a stronger structure, reducing the chance that fat will accumulate again. The doctor will analyze and plan the treatment as well as choose the appropriate device (head) for that case.
The BodyTite machine can lift and tighten sagging skin on the entire body and face, stimulating the skin to produce 4-5 times more collagen, making sagging skin with wrinkles and deep lines that indicate aging restore and look smooth and firm.

Before and after photos of liposuction (BodyTite)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Results after BodyTite liposuction
Eliminate fat in all parts of the body including reducing sagging and flabby skin, for example, the abdomen, underarms, chin, inner thighs because the BodyTite liposuction machine is a machine that can break down fat along with tightening the skin. It can also eliminate cellulite and restore collagen at the same time, making the skin firmer, stronger, with a stronger structure, fuller and more moist at the same time, making it less likely for fat to accumulate again than with traditional liposuction methods.
The liposuction head or Handpiece is designed to be suitable for liposuction of specific organs or areas, including being specifically designed to produce a specific amount of fat. It is also designed to capture details in each area that needs liposuction, which comes in 3 sizes.
• BodyTite Handpiece Large liposuction head, suitable for liposuction on the torso, abdomen, arms, legs, and back.
• FaceTite Handpiece Medium-sized liposuction head, suitable for liposuction on the face, such as the jawline, double chin, and neck.
• AccuTite Handpiece is the smallest liposuction head, suitable for liposuction on the face or small, hard-to-reach areas, including delicate areas such as the eyebrows, under the eyes, cheeks, small breasts, or knees.

Before and after photos of liposuction (BodyTite)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
The head of the BodyTite machine is a pair of clamps. One side is inserted under the skin, the other side is on the skin. The side on the skin has a sensor to measure the temperature used during liposuction. This is one advantage that the doctor can know the temperature of the energy and also know the value of the energy released into the skin. The depth can be adjusted as needed to destroy only the fat cells in the desired area directly, without damaging the surrounding tissue and nerve system.

Before and after photos of liposuction (BodyTite)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
The BodyTite machine is the only liposuction machine that has a temperature and energy display, which prevents “burns” or dimples from the use of improper heat. This makes liposuction with the BodyTite a safer method than other methods. In addition, the head is a single-use device, so it can be trusted for cleanliness and safety.

Before and after photos of liposuction (BodyTite)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
In addition, liposuction with the BodyTite machine will help lift and tighten the sagging skin in the skin layer, which is caused by the abnormal arrangement of collagen and elastin, which becomes wrinkles or deep grooves, including sagging skin. The BodyTite machine will help by releasing RF energy under the skin. The heat that occurs will cause the collagen fibers to shrink, resulting in firmer skin. The outer skin that used to have problems with sagging and wrinkled skin will be smoother and more elastic. It also helps stimulate collagen production under the skin, making the skin fuller and smoother.

Before and after photos of liposuction (BodyTite)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Who is BodyTite liposuction suitable for?
• People who have problems with loose skin, deep under-eye circles, crow’s feet, wrinkled neck, sagging arms, and wrinkled stomach.
• People who have problems with excess fat in small areas such as double chin, small breasts, and back wings.
• Those who want to tighten their skin without surgery or filler injections.
• Those who want to reduce fat without surgery
• Those who want to restore youthfulness to their skin
• Those who want to quickly reduce wrinkle problems
• Those who want to lose fat quickly
• People who have little recovery time
• Those who want to reduce fat and tighten without exercising.
• Those who want to reduce fat and expect clear results in a short period of time.
How is BodyTite liposuction better than traditional liposuction?
As we age or our body shape changes and our size increases, our skin becomes less elastic. Traditional liposuction can make the skin in the area where the liposuction was performed rough, lumpy, uneven, sagging, or stretched. It also helps tighten the skin after liposuction because the BodyTite machine reduces the chances of the skin sagging further after liposuction when compared to traditional liposuction. Importantly, it is safer, gentler, and has less bruising, pain, and side effects than traditional methods in every way.
BodyTite liposuction procedure
• The doctor will assess the problem and ask about the patient’s needs in order to plan the treatment.
• Patients must have lab results, lung X-rays and other diseases to prepare for treatment. Only if the patient is known to be in good health and ready for treatment will treatment be given.
• Anesthesia by an anesthesiologist. The patient’s anesthesia will help the doctor’s work more easily and allow for full liposuction. In some cases, only local anesthesia may be used, according to the doctor’s diagnosis.
• Open the wound with a small needle.
• The doctor performs skin tightening and fat dissolving by inserting a cannula tip under the skin in the area to be treated.
• Treatment time for each case is approximately 30 minutes.
In some cases where patients have a large amount of excess fat, doctors may use liposuction techniques and other methods in conjunction with each other to give patients better results, with a more beautiful and firmer appearance. Or in some cases where fat is being reduced in the double chin area, it may be necessary to use a bandage to bind the double chin as well.
• The dissolved fat in the body comes out in liquid form, making it easy to suck out the fat.
• During the treatment, there may be some blood because the waves will cause the blood to contract, resulting in some minor bleeding. Feelings during liposuction with the Body Tite machine
During the BodyTite liposuction, there will be a slight warm sensation in the subcutaneous fat layer due to the local anesthesia injected prior to the treatment to reduce pain during the procedure.

Liposuction (BodyTite)
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Advantages of BodyTite Liposuction
• Helps tighten skin and dissolve fat in one step.
• Restore youthful skin, smooth and wrinkle-free.
• You will see results in just one use.
• No scars left after the procedure
• No stitches, no cutting, less swelling and bruising, quick recovery
• See the results of the changes clearly.
• No stitches, no cutting, less swelling and bruising, quick recovery
• Reach small areas that are difficult to treat, such as the neck, chin, and cheeks, making the face slimmer, tighter, and more shaped.
• Helps stimulate collagen in the subcutaneous layer, making the treated area skin firmer, smoother and tighter at the same time.
• Treatment time is short.
• Short recovery time (in some treatment areas, you can return to your normal life immediately)
• Coagulation stops bleeding during liposuction.
Disadvantages of BodyTite
• Not suitable for facelift in cases with severe sagging skin or in large patients with a lot of fat, including plus-size women.
• There is no fixed price (because the price depends on the area to be treated) and the number of points to be liposuctioned.
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Preparing for BodyTite Liposuction
• Inform your doctor of any underlying medical conditions before undergoing liposuction every time.
• Do not take vitamins or dietary supplements 1 week before receiving the service.
• Do not do this to people who are sick, weak or unwell.
• Get enough rest before undergoing liposuction with the BodyTite machine.

Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
How to take care of yourself after BodyTite
• Try to avoid sunlight.
• Choose to use a gentle facial soap/foam during the first month after the procedure.
• Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for 7-15 days after the procedure.
• Take medication and apply warm or cold compresses, following the instructions strictly.
• Avoid laser skin treatments until your doctor gives you permission.
• In cases where patients undergo a double chin lift, it is necessary to wear a face bandage to help shape the face and make it tighter. In patients who undergo body liposuction, a compression garment should be worn in the area where the liposuction was performed to achieve the best results.
• Clean the wound carefully and regularly as prescribed by the doctor.
• Avoid outdoor activities and do not expose the wound to sunlight.
• Avoid strenuous activities to prevent open wounds.
• Avoid eating salty foods, including pickled foods, to prevent the wound from healing slowly.
How is the BodyTite liposuction machine different from other liposuction machines?
VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) Liposuction Machine
VASER is a liposuction machine that uses ultrasound energy. Ultrasound liposuction can break down large amounts of fat in one go, so doctors can remove more fat than other types of equipment.
This method prevents the fat that is sucked out from being used to fill in various areas of the body because the fat cells that are sucked out have died.
Advantages of VASER liposuction
1.VASER is a machine that can perform liposuction on the abdomen, arms, hips, and inner and outer thighs.
2.VASER is a tool that can suck out a large amount of excess fat from the body. Because the machine helps break down fat in the body, it breaks down and breaks up, making it easy to suck out the fat.
3. It does not take much time to perform liposuction, so the treatment is fast.
4. The proportion is clearly reduced in the area where the liposuction was performed.
Disadvantages of VASER liposuction
1. Fat that is sucked out by the VASER machine cannot be reused for fat grafting because the fat cells have been destroyed by the VASER machine.
2. There may be some pain in the area where the liposuction is performed while the doctor performs the liposuction.
3. Liposuction using VASER machine requires a longer recovery time than other types of equipment.
4. After liposuction with VASER, patients will feel bruising and swelling in the area where the liposuction was performed.
5. The doctor who performs liposuction is not skilled with the equipment, which may cause the liposuction tube to touch the patient’s skin and cause a burn. In addition, the heat energy may affect tissues, blood vessels, and nerves.
6. After liposuction with VASER, there will be swelling and bruising, which will require a long recovery period.
Unlike the BodyTite liposuction machine:
1. BodyTite liposuction has less swelling and bruising.
2. BodyTite liposuction is much less painful during the procedure.
3. BodyTite liposuction machine can lift and tighten while liposuctioning.
4. Different energy is used for liposuction. VASER uses Ultrasound energy while BodyTite uses RF (Radio Frequency Wave).
5.BodyTite can remove more fat.
Body Jet Water-powered liposuction machine
Body Jet water-powered liposuction machine is the latest generation liposuction machine from Germany that combines the strength of the tool with gentleness. It uses water energy to separate the fat layer from the tissue, so it does not damage the tissue around the fat cells. Therefore, liposuction is safe, with little swelling and bruising, and heals quickly. It does not cause any effect on the surrounding tissue. It also does not cause any bruising during the fat dissolving process because the liposuction is done with a special, sterile tool head.
What are the benefits of liposuction with the Body Jet machine?
1. It is a process of sucking out fat to be ready for use, allowing the fat to be used by filling in other areas of the body to fill in various defects, resulting in good results that meet the patient’s needs.
2. The BODY JET machine allows water power to penetrate excess fat. During liposuction, there is no scar tissue created, making the skin in the area where the fat was suctioned smooth and beautiful with little pain. After the procedure, you can live a normal life.
3. The skin in the area where the liposuction was performed does not cause swelling or bruising after liposuction. The skin is smooth and beautiful, not rough.
4. The fat obtained can be sent for Fat Transfer or Masenchymal stem cell.
5. No need for anesthesia, just local anesthesia is enough.
6. No burning, no skin burn.
7. There is a wound after the procedure of only 0.3 – 0.5 centimeters.
8. The resulting fat cells contain stem cells. When added, the fat will adhere better. The skin in the area that is added will be whiter, clearer, and smoother.
9. The fat cells that have been sucked out are in good condition and can be used to fill various parts of the body without causing allergies.
Disadvantages of Body Jet water-powered liposuction
1. It takes longer than usual to perform liposuction because water pressure is used to gradually break up fat cells.
2. Immediately after liposuction, the results may not be obvious. The results will be clearer after about 1 and a half months of liposuction.
How is Body Jet different from BodyTite liposuction?
1.Body Jet can be used to further reuse fat.
2. BodyTite liposuction can help lift and tighten while liposuction is performed.
3. Different energy is used for liposuction. Body Jet uses water energy, while BodyTite uses RF (Radio Frequency Wave).
4. The Body Jet machine is slower to remove fat than BodyTite.
5. The Body Jet machine shows results in reducing fat slower than BodyTite. The results are most visible after about 1 and a half months of liposuction.
Who is the Body Jet machine suitable for?
• Suitable for those who want to remove excess fat. Popular areas are the abdomen, hips, and thighs.
• Suitable for those who want to have liposuction to fill in other areas with defects.
• Suitable for those who want liposuction and want smooth and beautiful skin.
By choosing to receive liposuction services with each method or each machine, there are different methods and results. You can consult a doctor by telling your wishes and needs in detail in order to diagnose and plan the appropriate liposuction.
Can I get liposuction with the BodyTite machine? Can I get liposuction with other machines?
The skin after liposuction is delicate. It can be done if there is a reasonable amount of time left or according to the doctor’s diagnosis. However, each machine can be treated in different areas. Therefore, you should consult a doctor and inform your intentions in detail before treatment.
For liposuction, it is considered a dangerous procedure because anesthesia is required in some cases, so it is necessary to find information to support the treatment in order to choose the place to receive the best service for yourself. You should take the time to consider and ask for information to support your decision. Most importantly, let Rassapoom Clinic be one of your choices in deciding on liposuction because we guarantee reliability and many awards in our service.