Fix facial structural problems, lift and support your face before it’s too late with Triangular Face Lift.
If we compare the structure of the skin’s surface to a cliff, over time the cliff will erode more and more with time and from the natural environment, whether it be erosion, wind, rain, and storms, which will cause the cliff to subside and eventually collapse. The same goes for the human face, as time, age, and the skin being disturbed by makeup or various other factors, over time the skin structure will subside when the time comes.
The Triangular Face Lift technique is like a rope that holds rocks or other things that were on the cliff to prevent them from falling down the cliff when the cliff collapses. On the other hand, if the cliff is constantly being repaired or taken care of, no matter how much time passes, the cliff will always remain strong.
Similarly, the face with the Triangular Face Lift technique to lift and prevent sagging skin, no matter how much time passes, the Triangular Face Lift technique that has been done will definitely not cause the face skin to sag again. The sooner you do it when you are not that old, the stronger the facial skin structure will be and prevent the skin from sagging faster.

Triangular Face Lift: Correct and lift your face, support your facial structure before it’s too late.
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
The Triangular Face Lift technique is a special technique only at Rassapoom Clinic. It uses a filler (Hyaluronic acid) and muscle inhibitors (Toxin injection) to adjust the structure of each layer of the face, lifting it into a V-shape without surgery. It is a solution to the root cause of sagging facial skin, using a filler and muscle inhibitors to help lift and support the structure of the face, to make the face look younger, the same person in a younger version.

Triangular Face Lift: Correct and lift your face, support your facial structure before it’s too late.
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
The purpose of Triangular Face Lift is to unfold sagging skin and to introduce filler to help lift and support the structure of the unfolded skin. Muscle inhibitors are also used to solve the problem together to achieve the best results. The consideration of medication in each case will depend on the doctor’s diagnosis on a case-by-case basis. It cannot be estimated from other people’s faces. It is based on the principle of using a filler program to help hold between the bone layer and the upper skin layer at various points on the face.
Results obtained
Using the Triangular Face Lift technique will instantly lift your face. Your face will look naturally younger, helping to adjust your face to look more proportionate. In the long run, your face will not naturally sag too quickly. This is a technique that, if done quickly, will help to slow down and solve the problem of sagging skin and face more.
The face and facial shape will be lifted up in proportion and look better immediately. It also helps prevent the problem of a sunken face that will occur in the future. It also helps to slow down the sagging of the facial skin over time and makes you look younger than people of the same age. The special thing about this technique is that it can solve the problem of sagging skin. Even though the filler program does not age the face, the sagging skin will not be as much as before the procedure.

Triangular Face Lift: Correct and lift your face, support your facial structure before it’s too late.
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
What to fix?
It is a technique that can be done by all genders and ages, and can be done from a young age to prevent future sagging. Therefore, if you want to receive Triangular Face Lift services, you can consult only at Rassapoom Clinic.

Triangular Face Lift: Correct and lift your face, support your facial structure before it’s too late.
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.