The hero’s problem must be solved with Definisse, a face lift and double chin reduction.
Hello, I’m Prachya Pramin, an actor on Channel 8. Today, I’m carrying a big problem to consult the doctor. Because I’m an actor and I have to film a drama, when filming, there are many camera angles. I have to take the left side of my face, the right side of my face, far angles, and near angles. When the camera captures certain angles, my face frame won’t be clear. This is a problem for me. Moreover, sometimes when I bend down, my double chin can still be seen. But during this time, I have to use my face all the time. So I consulted the doctor that I want a program that will give immediate results, no recovery time, and no effect on work. Or if there is, I just want to be able to cover it up with powder or foundation because if it’s more than that, I probably won’t be ready to do it today.
The doctor recommended thread lift for me. The thread that the doctor will use today is Italian thread or Definisse thread. This type of thread is approved by the FDA in both Europe and Thailand.
The doctor said that the advantage of Definisse thread is that it is not painful. This type of thread is only painful when the anesthetic is injected. There is no long-term swelling. You can live your life normally. The thread stimulates collagen production, making your skin look good and your face look radiant and full. Importantly, it lasts up to 2 years.

Italian thread lift to reduce double chin and slim the face (Mr. Prachya Pramin)
The threading process involves cleaning your face thoroughly, then applying anesthetic cream and leaving it on. While waiting, I felt very relaxed. The anesthetic did not sting or itch. Most importantly, the clinic looked very clean, safe, and private. It is located in an alley, so I did not have to walk into a shopping mall to meet people, which was very good for me.

Italian thread lift to reduce double chin and slim the face (Mr. Prachya Pramin)
Once the anesthesia is in place, clean it by wiping it off again before the doctor injects anesthesia to prevent pain from the threading once more before inserting the thread.
During the thread lift, the doctor gave me knowledge while doing it. He talked to me and it was fun. It didn’t hurt at all. It was a little tight, but it was great. I didn’t realize that one side was done. So the doctor continued on the other side without stopping because I wasn’t scared and it didn’t hurt. Popping pimples hurt more.
After this, I’m excited to see how much tighter my face will be when the threads are pulled. When the doctor is done with both sides, he will pull them together and let me watch at the same time. I was so excited when he pulled them. I didn’t know what my face would look like.

Italian thread lift to reduce double chin and slim the face (Mr. Prachya Pramin)
When pulling, I felt a little tight on my face. Under the skin, there was a cracking sound. It was the sound of the silk barbs clinging to the skin. The feeling until now still didn’t hurt. There was only excitement. When pulling one side was done, my face lifted immediately. It was really different from the other side that didn’t get pulled. I was quite surprised. It only took a moment but my face was lifted and tightened to this extent. And I didn’t feel anything. It was a very worthwhile investment. I couldn’t wait for the doctor to pull the other side.
After pulling both sides, the doctor will cut off the excess stitches as usual. During this step, it won’t hurt, maybe a little scissors-like, but nothing else. There will be some small spots of bleeding. After the procedure, the doctor said that the results will be seen to some extent, but even at this level, it will be much more lifted and tightened.

Italian thread lift to reduce double chin and slim the face (Mr. Prachya Pramin)
The size of my double chin has clearly decreased. After about 3 months, the results will be more obvious. I think my face must have been slimmer by then. The camera will capture my face shape very clearly. And since I have created collagen under my skin, my face and skin will be fuller and look more youthful. This time, it will definitely help reduce the time I spend putting on makeup before going on set. I am very impressed.