Join the “MD Code™” Live Tour 2024 ™ Update Look “Thailand Faculty Meeting” The greatness of the medical industry at the beginning of the year
Meet the greatness of the year from the beginning of the year at the event “MD Code™” Live Tour 2024 Update Look “Thailand Faculty Meeting” which is an event organized for leading doctors in Thailand to meet with world-class doctors like Dr. Mauricio de Mio. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rasmipoom Sumetheewit, Board Of Dermatology Global Allergan Trainer & Medical Director, was honored by Allergan to be 1 of 6 doctors who participated in the injection to demonstrate the filler injection program under the eyes.

Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit joined the MD Code™ Live Tour 2024 event.
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Dr. Mauricio de Mio is a renowned plastic surgeon and the inventor and developer of the MD Codes curriculum, which is an advanced technique for all doctors to perform filler injection programs for effective face lifting results without surgery. The MD Codes technique is also considered a professor-level technique that doctors around the world use. With his accumulated experience and more than 25 years in the medical field, he has worked in 40 countries worldwide and has overseen more than 5,000 filler injection programs from all over the world.
Thursday, February 22, 2024 at the Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Benchakitti Park Hospital, 84th Birthday Anniversary (Conference Room, 3rd Floor. Benchakitti Park Hospital) at 9:00 a.m. there will be preparations for the Thai medical team who have been honored to participate in the event.

Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit joined the MD Code™ Live Tour 2024 event.
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
• 10.05 – 10.30 a.m. is the time when Dr. Mauricio de Mio will introduce information and update the filler injection program for injection under the eyes or MD Codes™ Look Advanced invented by Dr. Mauricio de Mio himself, along with showing illustrations and a video of the injection to accompany the teaching and explanation.
• 10.30 – 12.00 Dr. Mauricio de demonstrated the filler injection program around the eyes using the MD Codes ™ Look Advance technique to the honored doctors attending the event.
• 12.30 -13.00 hrs. The medical team that participated in the event along with the sample patient cases will start talking and giving advice including evaluating the face to find problems under the eyes of each patient and start preparing for the filler injection program.

Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit joined the MD Code™ Live Tour 2024 event.
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
Analysis of the problems of sample patients
Today’s example patient is a 26-year-old female who has a problem.
1. South West
2. Bags under the eyes
3. There is more sagging flesh under the right eye than in normal people.

Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit joined the MD Code™ Live Tour 2024 event.
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
If left untreated, in the future, it will turn into large bags under the eyes, which will also make the face look fiercer and more tired than the average person.
• 13.00 – 17.00 hrs. is a training session on injection and demonstration of case examples using the MD Codes™ Look Advance technique by Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit. Then receive additional advice at the teacher level by Dr. Mauricio de Mio.

Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit joined the MD Code™ Live Tour 2024 event.
Results depend on each individual’s skin condition.
For the MD Codes™ Look Advance technique, it is a technique that has been directly passed on from Dr. Mauricio de Mio and there are only 6 leading doctors in the country. Dr. Rasmeephum Sumethiwit, Board Of Dermatology, Global Allergan Trainer & Medical Director, the doctor who owns Rassapoom Clinic, has been honored to be 1 of 6 main doctors of Allergan Thailand who will pass on good techniques and update this world-class technique.
Rassapoom Clinic is very proud and delighted that Dr. Rasmiphum Sumethiwit, the owner of Rassapoom Clinic, has received the great honor to be a part of today’s event and will use the techniques that he has received from this event to develop and further develop for the service of patients and customers who use the service to achieve the best beauty results.