Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit shares knowledge and techniques for adjusting the structure of the lower face.
Ramathibodi Hospital organized Rama Dermatology “COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY : TIPS TO SUCCESS”, a grand annual conference that gathered dermatologists and experts to share their knowledge with doctors about beauty. There were also over 400 doctors attending the event. In addition, there were booths about new innovations in beauty from around the world for all doctors attending the event to experience.
The event was held on October 2-3, 2023 at Eastin Grand Hotel Phattatai. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit, Board of Dermatology and Allergan Global trainer, was honored by Allergan Aesthetics to be a representative to share knowledge in the event on the topic of “LOWER FACE CONTOURING”, which is a topic about injecting filler programs or filling fillers in the lower face, both the lower frame and the chin, to make the face more proportionate and beautiful. By explaining the proportions of a beautiful face During the lecture, there will be a video playing along with providing knowledge and detailed explanations to ensure that the audience receives the most knowledge from the lecture.

Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit attended the grand annual meeting of 2023.

Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit attended the grand annual meeting of 2023.

Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit attended the grand annual meeting of 2023.
• How To solve the problem of a short chin and an unproportionate face shape
The case that Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit brought up as an example today is a 31-year-old woman who had a problem on her face due to her short chin, which caused her face to be disproportionate. This was fixed by injecting fillers or fillers to adjust the structure of her chin to look longer and more proportionate. In addition, the injections must be done to adjust the facial structure to fit the chin and make it look even more beautiful. This is because the case is a woman whose middle face is already very beautiful. If she adjusts the lower part of her face with a filler or filler, it will immediately make her face stand out more beautifully.
• Products selected to solve the problem
For the filler program or filler that Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit picked up to solve the problem of this case example is the filler program or filler brand Juvederm, Volux model and Voluma model.
Because Juvederm Volux is a filler program or filler that has good lifting properties due to its hard texture, it is suitable for use in fixing the structure layer to provide high moisture because it has a high HA content of 24. It also helps to lift and fill very well. It is easy to inject and suitable for all doctors. The results last for 8-12 months.
• Results from facial contouring with chin filler program
Juvederm Voluma is a filler program or filler that is not very hard but has a lot of flexibility. It is suitable for those with thin skin who are afraid of injections that will form lumps. This filler will help very well.
• Safety is important. Therefore, choosing the right equipment for injecting filler is important.
For Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit’s technique, he will use a special technique of injecting with a blunt needle at every point to be careful at the injection point that causes danger so that patients are safe in every step of the treatment.

Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit attended the grand annual meeting of 2023.

Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit attended the grand annual meeting of 2023.
At the end of the Q&A session called Filler War, which was a Q&A session to clear up doubts for participating doctors, Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit’s answers on every topic were very popular and impressive.