Face Layer (Facial Anatomy Layer) Which layer of skin needs to be cared for with which product?
This is a question that many patients ask. If I do the filler program, can I do a facelift? If I do the facelift program, can I do the Toxin program? Let me explain it to patients in a simple way. Our facial skin layer, before reaching the facial skin layer that we can see, consists of many layers that overlap each other until they are thick and become skin. Each program is used to treat different problems in each skin layer, depending on the efficiency of each program and the patient’s problems and skin condition. The doctor will choose the procedure that is appropriate for each patient and customer. For example, the Filler program helps lift and support the skin structure, helping to solve problems and adjust the face shape. Lifting and supporting the face structure must be done in the Retaining Fat Layer and spaces layer, etc. Or the Ultherapy facelift program to solve skin problems in the Superficial Fat layer up to the SMAS layer, etc.
What we can see with our naked eyes is the top layer of the skin, called the Skin (epidermis and dermis) layer. In the epidermis layer, there are pigment-producing cells (Melanocytes).
The dermis is the layer beneath the epidermis. It is composed of connective tissue containing collagen, elastin, and extracellular matrix proteins. It also contains hair follicles, sebaceous glands, blood vessels, and sweat glands.
The skin on this layer of the skin can be taken care of with:
• Rejuran program
• Skin Booster program
• Revive program
• Programs for various types of surface work
Next in order is the fat layer, which consists of 2 parts: superficial fat and deep fat. Fat is divided into sections by tissue that attaches the bone to the skin. Superficial fat is important for facial shape and appearance and will remain there throughout life. If this layer of fat is lost, the facial skin will sag and wrinkle.
For the deep fat layer, it is divided into sections under the facial muscles, around the eye sockets, cheeks, and temples. This deep fat layer starts to decrease after the age of 20 years.
The skin on this fatty layer can be taken care of with:
• Hifu program
• Meso Fat Program
• Ulthera program
• Thermge program
• Gouri program
The third layer is the muscle layer, also known as the SMAS layer. It consists of two groups of muscles: the facial expression muscles, which are used to express facial expressions. There are many of these muscles distributed throughout different areas of the face.
The distinctive feature of this group of muscles is that they act as attachment points between the bones and the skin. When this group of muscles works, they pull the skin to move, resulting in facial expressions. If this group of muscles works for a long time, wrinkles will appear on the face. Wrinkles that occur are usually in the opposite direction of the muscles. And the group of muscles used for chewing food (Mastication muscles) The muscles used for chewing food consist of 4 muscles in total, 2 on the face and another 2 under the layer of bone beneath the face. The muscles used
The skin on this muscle layer can be taken care of with:
• Toxin program
• Emface program
The next layer is the Retaining ligaments and spaces layer, which are the ligaments that attach the skin and subcutaneous tissue to the bones in the face (Facial Ligament), similar to the nails that hold the facial skin in place.
This layer has 3 points that are particularly strong and sag more slowly than the tendons in other areas as shown in the picture. In order to prevent our facial skin from sagging as we age, these tendons will start to sag and have less adhesion, causing the skin and other tissues to sag and droop due to gravity, making us look older than our age.
The skin in this tissue layer can be maintained with:
• Filler program
Next is the Deep Fat Layer (Absent on the forehead), which is around the eyes, in the middle and lower part of the face, and is absent.
Periosteum deep fascia The periosteum helps muscles and tendons attach to bone while the blood vessels in the periosteum transport nutrients and oxygen to the bone. Inside the periosteum are cells that can develop into bone cells. There are also many nerves in the periosteum.
The bones of the skull protect the brain, which is the center of the nervous system, as well as providing support for the sense organs such as the eyes, ears, nose and tongue, and serving as the entrance to the digestive and respiratory tracts.
Treatment of sagging facial skin requires care of all skin layers because each machine takes care of different skin layers. For those who are wondering if they can treat themselves with other programs after taking care of themselves, the answer is yes, it can be done immediately. It is also good for the facial skin because it takes care of all skin layers thoroughly, causing the facial skin to sag more slowly and be more lifted. However, some doctors may have techniques that may be distorted from the certified documents as personal techniques, such as injecting fillers in the layer close to the bone to increase facial lift, which is a solution to the sagging facial skin problem at the root cause.