
Ohm Dev Team

What is BELOTERO REVIVE filler?

The pink box (BELOTERO INTENSE) is for deep wrinkles. The purple box (BELOTERO VOLUMN) helps to solve the problem of sunken face. The green box (BELOTERO HYDRO) helps to increase moisture. The blue box (BELOTERO REVIVE) has a light texture.

Thread lift to tighten and slim the face (Ms. Rada Dusayarin)

Rada has a problem with her facial skin starting to sag. Even though she’s not old yet, it’s already sagging before her time. This makes her feel insecure when she meets her friends and has to take pictures. Or when she turns to the side, her face sags, so she has to edit the picture.

What is the Skin 26 Growth Factor program?

Skin 26 Growth Factor is an exclusive product of Rassapoom Clinic that consists of 26 types of growth factors and more than 300 types of proteins. Each growth factor has an important role and function.

What is Gouri collagen injection under the skin?

How long does GOURI injection last and how many times do I need to get it? The results of GOURI injections last about 6-12 months. After 3 injections, the results last for 1 year and the PCL (Polycaprolactone) will gradually dissolve on its own without causing any side effects.

Dr. Rasmipoom Sumethiwit, a world-renowned doctor

Dr. Rasmi Bhumi, in addition to being an expert dermatologist, is also the first doctor to receive the title of “Global Allergan Trainer” or a title for doctors who share filler injection techniques with other doctors.

Dr. Rasmipoom reveals beauty trends in the third quarter of 2023

In 2023, there are many new products to meet the needs of more sustainable skin care. They can be divided into 2 types: products for restoring the skin on the surface and products for restoring under the skin sustainably. Products that are popularly used on the surface